Scan. Fix. Save. Using QR codes to improve tenant service.

imageThe use of QR codes strategically placed in the building allows tenants to easily report a problem for that location. For instance, a QR code can be put in each washroom where a user can scan it using their smart phone and immediately report any problems. Once fixed, maintenance personnel can then scan the same QR code and log the completion of their work. In turn, the system will automatically contact the tenant who reported the problem to thank them and let them know it is fixed.

By giving tenants choices in how they report problems as well as closing the loop quickly and efficiently, the tenants’ view of how the building is being managed is improved. They are less likely to let problems fester, will see the building manager as being more responsive, and will appreciate the increased transparency afforded by the system.

Building managers capture better information about building issues allowing them to proactively act on recurring issues.