BuiltSpace makes it easy for you to identify and tag your building assets and equipment, and share that information, by invitation, with other building stakeholders, to collaboratively manage service history, operational documentation and specifications, events and service requests.
Service Providers:
BuiltSpace will provide you with custom branded asset or space tags for the equipment you service. Each tag contains a unique QR code which can be assigned to a specific piece of equipment, simply by scanning the code and answering 4 questions required to locate the specific asset. Multi-level, role based security protects your data, which you may share with your building owner/manager by invitation.
Manage assets, service history, and documentation, across your entire portfolio of customer assets.
The branded asset tag connect you directly with your customer. Should a building or home owner require service, scanning the QR code will allow the customer to send a service request, in seconds, while providing complete details about the issue, location, equipment information, and service history.
Building Owners:
Maintaining accurate service records and documentation for your building equipment has just become much easier. You too can tag your equipment, and invite your service providers to access and maintain equipment service history and related documentation in the BuiltSpace BIM. BuiltSpace provides the common asset identifier, and business process integration, for facilities managers and service providers to electronically exchange data, increasing operational efficiency and reducing maintenance costs.
Tag your spaces too. Signage placed at the room entry allows building occupants or facilities staff, to report issues, initiate service requests, photograph and document events or issues, and even reserve a room, by scanning the local QR code.
Pay for the codes, use the software for free
BuiltSpace Asset Tracking is easy to setup, free to use, and available to your entire staff at no charge. Create your entire building portfolio, invite your entire team, add spaces and assets, upload and manage building documents, create and manage asset maintenance schedules, manage tasks, and invite suppliers/building owners to collaborate around asset management, all at no charge. You pay only for the assets that you track.
With BuiltSpace you can collaboratively track assets, for $1 per asset per year.
Get started today
For details, and to receive your own custom branded signage design, visit the BuiltSpace website.