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I recently suggested to a customer that the average cost to simply process a manual invoice was about $25. He first suggested that this was too high. I gave him my calculations, and a few days later he came back with his own metrics. His cost was closer to $40.
Large companies have solved the problem by shipping mountains of invoices to offshore processing centres, where low cost labour can bring the data-entry cost down significantly…but that’s not the real cost. For facilities operators, where operating costs are largely services, the true cost is the lack of timely, accurate, complete and coherent operating data.
The new service standard; real-time service and asset data, delivered before the service technician leaves the site, with an invoice that can be directly linked to the work performed, and verified with a single click.
Service providers: Replace your manual invoices with industry leading digital service processes, to deliver your services as data. Your customers will soon demand nothing less.
Facilities Operators: Eliminate manual invoices, across all service providers, to gain real-time visibility to portfolio-wide facilities operations.