Crush it with real-time services delivery
Crush it with real-time service delivery.
Our app gives you, and your customers, real-time visibility to services delivered, by staff and contractors, with verification that the work was actually done. …and if work was missed, you can see that too.
For service providers, knock you competition out of the game. Deliver unmatched field services, supported by real-time data, that saves your customers money and helps you capture and renew more maintenance contracts. Fewer disputes, faster approvals, and you’ll probably get paid faster too.
For facilities operators, you only need to subscribe, invite your service providers (HVAC, electrical, plumbing, security, cleaning, landscaping etc.) to download the BuiltSpace app, connecting them to your BuiltSpace digital services platform…then sit back, confident in the services delivered by your entire service team.
Visibility. Control. Peace of mind. And, lower operating costs…only with real-time services delivered by BuiltSpace-ready service providers.