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Welcome to the BuiltSpace Blog

December 11, 2019

If ‘we’ can’t reverse climate change who can?

Perhaps it’s karma… In researching this post, I was very surprised to find that my own grand uncles and cousins were key innovators in petroleum…with grand […]
December 2, 2019

Join the BuiltSpace Professional Services Team

Job Location:  Vancouver BC Canada In this job posting, you won’t find a huge long list of responsibilities, or an even longer list of required qualifications.   […]
November 3, 2019

Risk outweighs energy reliability: What the CA wildfires are telling us about the future

The real new stories in California are not the wildfires, or climate change, it’s what the energy utilities are doing about them…it seems that financial risk […]
October 25, 2019

Find us at CoRETech 2019 – Using innovation to turn challenges into opportunities

I’m looking forward to CoRETech 2019, in Silicon Valley.    With talks on digitally transforming a corporate real estate portfolio, AI/machine learning, location based services,  creating […]
October 20, 2019

Experience, not data, drives predictive maintenance & operational efficiency

The Smart Building says…the pump is not running.  Is this a problem?  Your Smart Building should know and act if required. It’s easy to put sensors on […]
October 1, 2019

What do your HVAC contractors really see on the rooftop?

Rooftops aren’t friendly places for people or equipment War Story #56 Check in with Scott onsite. Obtain access to unit located on north east roof via […]
September 26, 2019

Note to my grandkids: The global climate emergency is a solvable problem. It starts with listening and understanding.

Earlier this week, 16 year-old Greta Thunberg berated world leaders at the UN on their failure to act on climate change.  Tomorrow, youth across Canada will call […]
September 16, 2019

A quick reference guide to IoT & Digital Twins for buildings

Where’s the value prop? The internet of things, and now digital twins, promise to reshape the built environment, but many…including many of the key technology vendors…struggle […]
September 13, 2019

Try our interactive Smart City Energy, GHG & OpEx dashboard (prototype)

 Why does Australia report energy use intensity values significantly lower than North America?   We asked the same question, and built this dashboard so we could […]
September 11, 2019

Is Net Operating Income the silver bullet for our global climate emergency?

Cities are responsible for over 70 percent of global energy consumption and CO2 emissions, mostly from buildings, marking a significant opportunity to focus climate change mitigation and adaptation […]
September 3, 2019

Our Journey with Point Clouds, BIM, IOT & Digital Twins

A Use Case Imagine walking into a building, as a facilities manager, building operator, tenant, occupier, guest or service contractor… …simply scanning your smart phone around […]
July 16, 2019

Join BuiltSpace at Asset Management Reimagined, Melbourne August 12-13

Digital twins as the core technology for asset management is becoming a hot topic.  Join me in Melbourne on August 12-13.
December 17, 2020

UBC launches study into how COVID-19 spreads in schools

VANCOUVER, BC, Dec. 16, 2020 /Global News/ – UBC has teamed up with two private companies for an extensive study into how COVID-19 spreads through high-traffic […]